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Israel Post tracking

Israel Post Profile

The Israel Postal Company stands a top the Israeli marketplace, providing a variety of services to the public via its well skilled and knowledgeable staff, using advanced technology to improve the service and the work methods. The Israel Postal Company has the largest deployment of service units throughout Israel. In 2011 The Israel Postal Company turnover reached NIS 1.780 billion. The Israel Postal Company provides universal postal service to the general population, under the motto "From everyone, to everyone, everywhere, everyday, and at an equal price to all". Every day 1,650 professional postal delivery personnel visit every household and business in the country and 2,000 service representatives provide a variety of about 100 innovative and online products and services though the largest branch network in Israel. The company has a team of professional salespeople who provide business and postal solutions to all sectors of the economy. The Israel Postal Company is proud of its involvement in the community and its participation in social projects.