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UNITEDWWC tracking


Operating since 1994, United Worldwide Couriers command a respectable position especially in the United States of America and European sector for its excellent services.

In today's network economy, United Worldwide is a uniquely positioned to leverage the power of networks to help connect our customers to high-tech, high-speed global marketplace. Our offices spread in various cities cater to over 1500 clients spread across the world.

At United Worldwide, we believe that it is better not only to give the customer what he expects but to delight him by surpassing his expectations. That is why at United we are constantly stepping up our efforts to ensure excellence in service and delivery at destination as fast as possible. Teams of professionally trained personnel work round the clock to organize and coordinate between our clients and their clients to provide that special personal touch for establishing a fruitful relationship. It is this personalized service that sets us apart from everyone else.